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Connor The Native American Assassin

Connor: The Native American Assassin

A Kanienkeháka Master

Ratonhnhakéton radũnhaɡɛːdõ, born in 1756, is the Kanienkeháka-born Master Assassin known as Connor. He is the son of a European Templar and a Native American woman and adopted the name Connor Kenway.

A Pivotal Character in Assassin's Creed

Connor is the main protagonist of Assassin's Creed III, a video game released in 2012. He plays a pivotal role in the franchise, as he fights against the Templars in the American Revolution.

Conclusion: A Lasting Legacy

Connor's story is a powerful and moving one, highlighting the struggles and triumphs of Native Americans during a turbulent period in history. His legacy as an Assassin and a symbol of resistance continues to inspire players and gamers worldwide.
